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Cybersecurity fun

I recently began to follow John Hammonds youtube channel. Super fun content focused on various Cybersecurity topics.  In one of his videos he introduced picoCTF, a website full of capture the flag type of challenges. I dived in and started playing around and had…

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NSwag with .Net Core 3.1

My story with NSwag begun a few months ago when I set out to build a new REST API for a specific domain area. I wanted to have the client SDK's generated for me to save both time and effort, this is when I…

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Unit testing in C#

As a software engineer in 2020, writing tests are becoming an ever increasingly important tool in your toolbox and I thought I'd would share a great resource recently published and open sourced by Educations Media Group called Unit testing in C#. This course is published in a…

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Using LINQ with different collection types 

We all work with different types of collections in C# and I wanted to unwrap a pitfall with some ways of determining if a collection contains any items.  Lets consider the following code statements var myList = new List<Guid>(Enumerable.Range(0, 10000).Select(e => Guid.NewGuid())); //List property…

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ASP NET Core 3 Content Formatting

Understand Content Formatting In a standard ASP NET Core 3 API Controller you are used to seeing JSON responses, but this is not the only data format that action methods can produce. The content format selected for an action result depends on four factors: …

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ASP NET Core 3 HTTP Patch

Understand JSON Patch ASP.NET Core has support for working with the JSON Patch standard, which allows changes to be specified in a uniform way. The JSON Patch standards allows for a complex set of changes to be described. For more information about the details…

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AWS Cognito identity provider with ASP NET Core

There is this cool project from AWS that I recomend checking out! ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito simplifies using Amazon Cognito as a membership storage solution for building ASP.NET Core web applications using ASP.NET Core Identity. Check out the repo here! And do not miss the sample repo…

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AWS API Gateway stages and ASP NET CORE Middleware

I am running three different Dynamo configurations in my ASP NET Core Razor Pages app. One for local developement where I am targeting localhost- running Dynamo in a docker container. One for API Gateway Stage Environment and one for Production Stage Environment. In this post…

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